‘True Blood’ season 6, episode 5 review: A Sookie Stackhouse shocker about Warlow

SookieThis week on “True Blood” season 6, we had what can be best described a moment that we never saw coming: Lafayette, channeling the spirit of Sookie Stackhouse’s father, attempting to drown her to keep her from becoming a vampire alongside Warlow. What a bizarre moment this was, but we have to say that it is once again proof that people really need to stop relying on Lafayette in order to work some of his magic. Bad things come from this, and only bad things!

It is an interesting twist to think that Warlow may have been good all along in his intentions, just like it’s an interesting twist that Jason Stackhouse could be joining the vampire fight in a pretty shocking way … and that Jessica is now with Eric, Nora, Tara, and so many other people with a set of fangs inside of the vampire camp, which is definitely the most depressing place imaginable at this very moment. These people are not only being experimented on, but they are being forced to fight and kill each other at times to wean the weaker ones out.

That brings us to another shocker: Pam and Eric facing off in a possible fight to the death. Are we really about to see the end for one of these two? It would be a strange and twisted way for the characters to go if it was by the other’s hand, and we do know that there is some sort of major death coming this season.

Sadly, most of the stories this week went a little off-course away from the vampire world. We could really care less at this point about the whole Alcide and Sam Merlotte storyline, given that we just feel like it is Emma trade-off time and time again. Meanwhile, Terry’s not getting enough airtime for his “hiring someone to kill him” story to work, and while it was nice to see Andy saving one of his daughters, we just don’t know where this story is going.

Ultimately, this episode (strangely titled “F*** the Pain Away”) was a microcosm for “True Blood” itself: When you are just focusing on vampires and humans, the story is very interesting (and this sometimes works with faeries); however, when you start to bring in all sorts of other supernatural strangeness and stories that seem too disjointed from the main plot, things start to somewhat fall apart.

Ultimately, what did you think about this “True Blood” episode? If you want to check out some of our preview coverage for next week’s episode, be sure to click here.

Photo: HBO

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