‘True Blood’ season 6, episode 2 reaction: Writer talks Warlow reveal, fairy massacre

BenOn Sunday night’s new episode of “True Blood” season 6, we definitely saw quite a bit of action, and also surprises when it came to some of the characters that we originally believed to be of the more innocent persuasion.

Front and center in the middle of all this, we have Warlow. Before this season started, we personally imagined that the character was going to look something like Niall: An ancient vampire who was extremely wise, but also powerful and dangerous with what they were capable of. Seeing that it was actually Ben who was the character in disguise was a complete and total shocker to many, and for good reason in that we were led for so long to believe that he was someone who was more out for Sookie Stackhouse’s best interests. Instead, writer Alexander Woo explains in the video below that he is really out more for himself than anyone else.

However, Woo also is sure to make clear that there are some moments that happened during this episode that serve as evidence that there is some sort of compassion in there. He did not kill Jason, and he also did not rip Niall apart when he easily could have. So what is this character’s real endgame? Hopefully, we will have an opportunity to figure that out soon.

Also in this video, Woo talks about two of the other biggest shockers that we saw during this episode: The reveal of Will as a vampire, and how it was Jessica who was a bigger threat to the faerie children than Bill.

What do you think about Ben being Warlow, and is there anything that you are hoping to see next? If you are looking for more “True Blood” season 6 scoop, including a preview for next week’s new episode, just be sure to visit the link here.

Photo: HBO

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