Is Last Week Tonight With John Oliver new tonight on HBO, 10/14?

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
Photo: HBO

Is Last Week Tonight With John Oliver new tonight on HBO? We recognize that as we get closer and closer to the November Election, there will be more of a demand for new episodes.

With that, are we going to be seeing one tonight? Let’s just say that there is no real reason to build up a lot of suspense here, as you are 100% going to see something more here! Not only that, but the next episode will be starting reasonably close to a “normal time” at 11:01 p.m. Eastern.

We don’t need to necessarily tell you here that there is going to be at least a part of this week’s episode spent on politics, and we also do tend to think that at some point in here, we are going to also see some coverage of the tragic hurricanes, as well. We do not necessarily think that the show is going to fundamentally shift, though, from its typical format of having some sort of evergreen main segment — why wouldn’t they? These are the things that help them generate at least a certain amount of attention and buzz after the fact, and that is something that Oliver’s show loves to have.

One last thing that is worth mentioning, at least for now, is that we are getting at least somewhat close here to the end of the season — we’re not there yet, but we’d advise you to start being prepared for the break to come shortly after election day. John should be there to take you through at least the rest of that but then after the fact, we’ll see him depart most likely for all of the holiday season and then until around February of next year.

Before that happens, can we at least have a couple of viral moments on the show? Let’s be clear that personally, we’d love to see it.

What do you want to see moving into this Last Week Tonight With John Oliver episode?

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