Big Brother 27 premiere date hopes at CBS

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

Given that tonight marks the finale for season 26, why not go ahead and look towards Big Brother 27? Is the reality show coming back?

Well, the first thing that we should say here is that until we hear otherwise, it is pretty easy to assume that the reality TV juggernaut is going to be coming back for more episodes. All things considered, why wouldn’t it be? The ratings for the show may not be what they once were, but this has always been just a part of the equation here. This series provides CBS with a TON of summer programming, really to the point where it feels almost impossible to replace. This is without mentioning the additional revenue that the show gets from the live feeds / Paramount+ all season. There are certain costs that come with producing the show and hiring the crew but compared to scripted shows, this is a pretty affordable show. (Casting is already underway for next season — that does not mean a renewal is official, but it’s a sign of confidence.)

Now, why not have a further discussion about a premiere date? CBS is almost certain to bring Big Brother back in June or July, mostly because this is the norm with seasons that aren’t impacted by external factors. We tend to think that the schedule they used this year worked really well. A 100-day season a la last summer feels bloated and unnecessary and while things dragged at the end this summer, season 26 is still one of the most entertaining versions of the show in years. Starting after July 4 and running through October allows the producers to monopolize a lot of time on the schedule.

We honestly do hope that the next season of the show does continue to bring new players to the table and does not worry about returnees. We like the refreshing fun that comes from new player being in the game.

Do you want to see a Big Brother 27 renewal happen at CBS?

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