Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: More on Makensy’s mindset

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

As many of you likely know at this point, Makensy has a big decision to make this week within the Big Brother 26 house, as she must figure out who to evict between Cam and Rubina. She has days to make this choice, and the eventual nominees have days to campaign. (Remember that technically, Makensy is still on the block since the Veto Ceremony has not happened yet — but that’s all a formality.)

Earlier today, we talked about the beginning of Cam’s gametalk with Makensy; Rubina has yet to have one, at the time of this writing. Why not take a moment now to get inside Makensy’s head for a moment?

What we’ve learned from listening to her talk to Cam is that she came into the house to win, and not so much worry about the historical nature of three women being final three. (Chelsie has hyped up over and over again that there’s never been an all-female final two; we still can’t figure out if she legitimately believes that or is feeding wrong info to delude other people.) She is competitive, but is she competitive enough to realize that taking out Chelsie is her right move?

Cam’s argument to Makensy was that Rubina would be a tougher challenge in a potential final two than him, given how many times she’s survived the block, her social game, and that she already has guaranteed votes in Rubina and T’kor. He also emphasized that he does not make emotional decisions in the game and while he’s been close to Chelsie from the start, that doesn’t mean he would take her to the very end.

The honest takeaway we got from this conversation today is that Makensy is at least thinking about a path to her legitimately winning. Does that mean that she’s actually cut Chelsie if she wins the final HoH? No, but we do think she’s aware that she would be far tougher to beat.

Related See more in the way of Big Brother 26 chatter from earlier

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