Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 3: When to expect news

Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 2
Photo: Prime Video

We’ve said this for a little while now, but a season 3 renewal for Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power is pretty darn inevitable. However, we recognize that there could be some diehard fans of the story who are a little concerned.

After all, consider the following for a moment here. The finale has just aired and given the size and scale of this show, it would make since that Prime Video would want to get pretty far ahead of the game. This is a series that does take a long time to make, whether it be through its writing, directing, or post-production processes.

Well, hopefully the following news helps to ease your concerns at least a little bit — according to The Hollywood Reporter, the plan is for there to be a renewal announcement at some point by the end of the month. The producers are writing team are already at work plotting the next chapter of their Middle-earth story, so it does not appear as though there is some sort of substantial interruption when it comes to things behind the scenes. Until we hear otherwise, we have to move forward with the argument that things are full-steam ahead.

Of course, the one thing to remember here is that regardless of when a renewal is revealed, The Rings of Power season 3 is almost certainly not going to be coming back until some point in 2026. Why would we have reason to think that it is going to be coming before then? The most important thing at this point is that the writers do take their time to build on what we’ve seen so far — we want nothing more than to have this story keep getting better and better.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power right now, including the Gandalf finale reveal

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