Survivor 47 episode 4 preview: Will Sue be medically evacuated?

Survivor 47
Photo: CBS

As we prepare ourselves to see Survivor 47 episode 4 on CBS next week, we are already full of worry thanks to the preview. Is Sue in danger of being medically evacuated?

Well, based on the promo, it seems as though the Tuku Tribe finds some blood on the ground, with the implication here being that something is wrong with Sue. She’s been such a presence through the first couple of episodes; because of that, the last thing we want is to see her go early. Also, to go like this? Nobody ever wants an evacuation.

Well, the good news at the moment here is that there is no guarantee that Sue will be leaving. She is about as tough as they come and we don’t think she’d ever want to go willingly. The fact that we don’t necessarily see her in grave danger here could be a reason for hope.

As for what else is happening moving forward, get ready for a confrontation between Rome and Sol, who have not seen eye to eye for most of the game. Sol is clearly on the outs on the Lavo tribe right now but here’s the thing: This game changes rapidly. Also, Rome does not have an immunity idol anymore. If he ruffles feathers too much he could be blindsided — but if you do it, you have to find a way to do it without him knowing. He does still have that Steal-a-Vote.

This season does have potential to be great — this is just a hard thing to really determine the early. The biggest advice we have is for some people to turn it down a notch. You can be a great character without also being overly cocky. Self-awareness is one of the most valuable things anyone can have!

Related Be sure to get some more news regarding Survivor 47, including other episode 3 thoughts

What do you most want to see at this point heading into Survivor 47 episode 4?

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