Ridley season 2 episode 3 spoilers: ‘The Hollow Tree’ begins

Ridley season 2
Photo: PBS

Are you eager to learn a little bit more about Ridley season 2 episode 3 airing on PBS next week? There is a lot to dive into!

First and foremost, we should note that we are going to be getting the start of another two-part arc here in “The Hollow Tree.” This one revolves around a cold case first and foremost which at this point should be something that the title character is fairly familiar with. Of course, that doesn’t mean that any part of this investigation will be easy for him. We anticipate that there are going to be a ton of surprises here, one way or another.

Want to get a few more details for what’s ahead? Then go ahead and check out the full Ridley season 2 episode 3 synopsis below:

When a decomposed body is discovered deep in the woods, Ridley unearths a connection to a cold case. Ridley brings disgraced ex-copper Jean Dixon back to investigate. Jean’s personal life with new boyfriend Ross soon becomes compromised.

This episode is going to be tied to episode 4, as well, and one of the things we’re most curious about here is if Ridley’s decision with Jean will come back to bite him in a big way. This is someone who obviously has a good bit of credibility thanks to the cases he’s solved and his career, but there are tipping points; also, it’s really hard to predict what someone is going to do at just about every minute. Ripley has to be prepared for a few twists and turns — and that’s not talking about the case! That is sure to bring them in its own way.

At this point, he certainly should know the biggest issue with cold cases is the lack of information that is out there — and sometimes, there is not even anyone to talk to.

What do you most want to see moving into Ridley season 2 episode 3 when it arrives on PBS?

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