Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Will T’kor campaign? (day 65)

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

Can you expect some major campaigning, or at least surprises, in the Big Brother 26 house today? We at least know this: We want it!

After all, T’kor and Rubina are on the block and if there is a day to make some craziness happen, isn’t this it? Yesterday, Rubina really did her part to speak to a few people and make sure that the votes were leaning more in her favor — which they are. Chelsie seems to have lost the plot for one of the few times all season, as we had previously assumed that she would find a way to somehow ensure that T’kor had the numbers to stay. Instead, she’s gotten herself distracted by things with Makensy and Cam — it felt like she started to sense something was off last night, but she hasn’t done much about it.

Based on what we saw last night, the biggest issue that T’kor has is being unable to adapt — basically, one of her big issues all season. She seems like a great friend to have in real life, but she can’t seem to get past the idea that people play really cutthroat on this show and that’s okay. She basically insinuated to Rubina’s face that Rubina was going to be evicted, and the two of them both seem to be operating under this assumption that the two of them plus Kimo are the “good people” in the game. This is by far one of the most frustrating things to hear anyone say; we were willing to let everyone have a day to vent and be bitter, since Leah certainly did last week and it wasn’t even her on the block! Yet, we’re past a day now.

If T’kor really wants to stick around in the game, today is the best chance she has to do that. There are deals that she can try and make here and there or relationships to lean on. The problem is that her social game almost works against her at this point; everyone loves her, and they are afraid she’d win at the end of the game. Also, keeping her helps Chelsie, Kimo, and virtually nobody else.

Related See more from last night in the Big Brother 26 house

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