‘The Newsroom’ season 2 spoilers: Olivia Munn talks future for Sloan, Don

The NewsroomIf you were upset somewhat by the idea of there being another romantic subplot forming on “The Newsroom” between Sloan and Don (to go along with the Don – Maggie – Jim love triangle), don’t be too concerned. The upcoming story for the two characters is not going to be solely concentrated on the two in the slightest. Although there were feelings there on Sloan’s part, Don made it pretty clear that he did not reciprocate them, at least for the time being.

With that in mind, it only seems appropriate that we now move to what Olivia Munn had to say on the subject in a new interview with TV Guide:

“You can have a crush on somebody, and it doesn’t mean they’re the love of your life … He shut her down completely. When somebody tells you they don’t want to be with you… you see them differently forever.”

We do hope that we see a more personal side to Sloan in the new year, but it would be interesting to see it not come in the way of romance. Why not learn a little bit more about what she does away from work, or how well she really gets along with some of the other people at “News Night”? It felt like she was playing catch-up for most of the first season since she was not a part of the original team, and it would be nice to see a different dynamic for her moving forward.

Do you see big things coming for Munn on “The Newsroom” season 2, and were you starting to become a Sloan fan near the end of last year? If you want to see the all-new teaser for the HBO show, take a look over at the link here.

Photo: HBO

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