‘Doctor Who’ season 7 finale: How many people truly caught John Hurt reveal

John HurtMuch like here in America, it takes a little bit of time in Britain in order to figure out what the real viewership is for a given show, as you have so many other factors to calculate in there. You have to think about some of the other means in which people catch television these days, and in Britain, there are also catch-up networks for some stations where programs (such as those airing on ITV a la “Britain’s Got Talent”) actually air an hour later for those who were potentially out taking care of other things.

So now that we have a little more ratings information, does it impact the world of “Doctor Who’s” season 7 finale in any way? The answer here is a little bit “yes,” mixed also with a little bit of no. Overall, the episode reportedly drew almost 7.5 million viewers in its home country of Great Britain, and also over a 31% share of the market.

We just want to point out how astounding that percentage share is to American, as almost no show here save for the Super Bowl ever draws numbers higher than that. British television may not be as expansive in many ways, but they are fiercely loyal to their shows … especially anything related to The Doctor. With viewership like this, you sometimes do wonder whether or not the less-is-more approach is a good one for television, since it does allow for more of a communal experience than something as fragmented as we have in the United States.

So can “Doctor Who” keep this ratings momentum going? They are going to have a pretty dark good chance, given that the 50th anniversary special, airing on November 23, is bringing back a number of former stars. Plus, there is that mysterious arrival of John Hurt that still have people talking.

Want to read more about some potential returning stars to the “Doctor Who” franchise? If so, all you have to do is click here.

Photo: BBC

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