Mary & George episode 6 spoilers: The last before finale
As you get yourselves set up here for Mary & George episode 6 over on Starz, what stands out front and center here? Well, consider where things stand in the overall order of things! There re only two episodes remaining and by virtue of that, everything is about to be all the more crazy.
The first thing worth noting about the next episode, beyond its status close to the finale, is that the title here is “The Queen is Dead.” Isn’t that quote ominous in its own right? We tend to think so!
Meanwhile, the full Mary & George episode 6 synopsis does serve to better set the stage for what is coming up next:
Anti-Spanish riots have taken hold of the city, and with the Crown plunged into debt, George stands to lose everything. Meanwhile, Mary faces devastating consequences when she overplays her hand.
For almost the entirety of this show, you can argue that obstacles have been a huge part of the narrative. By virtue of that, we can’t say that we’re shocked to be where we are. The real mystery that remains is precisely how crazy things are going to be by the time that we get to the end of this installment. Is every alliance Mary made about to be in tatters?
Obviously, Mary & George is one of those shows where if you know history, you have an advantage over everyone else as a viewer. Yet, a part of what makes the show so entertaining is that there is still a nuance or two that you can explore that is not found in history books. This is the sort of show that always will need to fill in a few different cracks — and as long as it makes sense for the characters and what we know about them, then that’s all right at the end of the day.
What do you most want to see moving into Mary & George episode 6 over at Starz?
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