Saturday Night Live: The great ‘beep beep’ sketch battle

Saturday Night Live
Photo: NBC

Who would’ve thought that one of the greatest sketches on Saturday Night Live this weekend would involve the words “beep beep”? Yet, here we are, and we can now say with a certain measure of confidence that this is one of the silliest, funniest ideas that we’ve had a chance to see for a sketch yet.

The entire premise of it is simply and, actually, relatable to alot of people at holiday parties. What happens when two people say “beep beep” at each other while trying to put down trays of food? Does one get out of the way, or do they full-on fight? It is a crazy thing to think about but, in some way, we really loved it. This is a rare, super-timeless sketch put on by the show that actually feels incredibly memorable at the same time. There are a lot of opportunities for this to play for years to come, and you don’t get that with a lot of other sketches.

Is everyone going to love this? Probably not, mostly because it was rather cheesy and you can argue that the joke was tired by the time that Kenan Thompson came out. We actually thought that it took it to another level.

If this sketch was not your forte, we would point to what came after the fact to the shopping network commercial, which featured a chocolate Santa that, outside the wrapper, ended up looking like a certain part of the anatomy.

Following the lackluster cold open, we would say that this is one of the better shows we’ve had in a while. After all, this was yet another reminder that Adam Driver was totally game to do just about anything as host, as he often is.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Saturday Night Live, including some other thoughts on the cold open

What did you think about the odd, but incredibly funny, “beep beep” Saturday Night Live this week?

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