Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Who will Jag evict? (day 94)

As we close out day 94 in the Big Brother 25 house, there is one big question dominating our mind here. What is it? Of course, it has to do almost entirely with what Jag is going to do as the final four Veto holder.
As you would expect, for now he is acting a certain way within the game … but is that an indication of what he is actually going to do?
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Well, let’s start by saying that for the time being, our feeling is that we are going to see Jag keep Matt and evict Felicia from the game. He’s yet to do anything to make us think otherwise, and he may actually buy into the idea that Matt will take him to final two — even if Felicia has tried to tell him otherwise. We at least know from Matt’s DRs that it is not 100% locked that he’ll go to the end of the game with his Minuteman partner, if given some sort of choice in the matter.
If Jag does want to evict Matt, don’t expect that there is going to be any sort of lead-up to it. He’s never going to be the sort of player to tell Matt in advance because he doesn’t want the confrontation. He also won’t tell Felicia in fear that it leaks or she is able to study for the next Head of Household. For now, she’s just wandering around the house feeling pretty isolated. She campaigned to Jag earlier, but she didn’t seemingly gain much traction. We’re at least happy that she’s not cooking for the other players, and it’s almost sad how lost and helpless they all seem to be without someone taking care of them. (Felicia really has no incentive to keep caring for people who are going to badmouth her and get her out.)
Related – Be sure to get some more discussion on Felicia’s campaign earlier in the day
What would you do if you were Jag in the Big Brother 25 house at this point?
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