ABC’s ‘Revenge’ season 3 spoilers: Gabriel Mann talks Emily, Nolan’s growth
Trying to find scoop on “Revenge” season 3 right now is admittedly not an easy proposition. What’s the reason for that? The simple answer is just that there is not much information out there. Due to the showrunner switch and the exit of creator Mike Kelley, no one really had the opportunity to speak much on the show’s future, since so much of it was still being decided.
Even now, there is still not necessarily that much set in stone … even if we do have some interesting new quotes about the progression of a character, and even some hopes for romance. Speaking to Wetpaint recently, Gabriel Mann (fresh off a pretty awesome end to season 2) was skeptical at the idea that there would ever be anything more substantial between his character and Emily Thorne than there is right now; on the other hand, he did acknowledge that their relationship has already changed quite a bit since the pilot, and anything could still happen:
“At this point, what I find satisfying is watching the progress. Emily [VanCamp] and I were talking about the first scene that we ever saw Emily and Nolan together — she’s choking him out on a post up against the wall. And we were both saying, look how far we’ve come. We’ve now come to the point where we can come at each other with love instead of trying to kill each other. It’s really satisfying to watch those relationships continue to evolve. Anything’s possible. Who knows?”
Season 3 will surely pick up pretty quickly after the end of season 2, mostly because one of events that everyone is talking about is the of reaction Jack Porter has to the news that Emily is actually the real Amanda Clarke. Based on what we’ve seen from her over the run of the show thus far, we imagine that Nolan will have his hands full trying to help console her while dealing with this.
If you do want to read some more potential scoop on where we go from here, you can do so over at the link here.
Photo: ABC