Bosch: Legacy season 3: Could more familiar faces appear?

Bosch: Legacy season 2
Photo: Freevee

We know already that a Bosch: Legacy season 3 is coming to Freevee, and isn’t it great to have advance word on that? We know that for us personally, it is somewhat of a comfort to not have to worry about the long-term future while enjoying the story. Instead, we can just sit back, relax, and enjoy precisely what is in front of us.

Even with all of that being said, we do still think there’s something fun about thinking about what characters from the OG show could turn up down the road for the spin-off. We’ve already seen J. Edgar at the start of this season, and there’s a chance that another cameo or two will surface by the end.

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If you do find yourselves regularly thinking about this, here’s the good news — the producers behind the scenes are doing the same exact thing! Speaking here per Collider, executive producer Tom Bernardo confirmed that there are discussions almost always happening:

It’s hard to answer that because we try to bring them in when the story justifies it. Since we’re still figuring out where we’re gonna go in Season 3, it kind of comes up in conversation where it’s like, “Oh, what if Robertson were to come back into the fold?” And I’m not saying he’s going to … but that’s somebody we always keep in the back of our mind because we love Paul Calderón, and we really love that character. He’s very interesting. The moment he steps on screen he brings a kind of world with him and a history because he’s been part of our original series. So that’s maybe one that I’d keep an eye on that maybe we go to explore…

Because the story of Legacy is not super-distanced from what the original show was, that does tend to leave the door open. Remember that there is also a J. Edgar spin-off being planned so if some characters don’t turn up here, there is also a chance that they will surface over on that show, as well.

What sort of familiar faces are you hoping to see across Bosch: Legacy season 3 at Freevee?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, keep coming back for more updates throughout the rest of the season.

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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