Survivor 45 episode 4 sneak peek: After the Lulu blindside…

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Following last week’s Survivor 45 episode, we know that there is going to be a tribe swap coming. What leads up to that? This is one of the things that we are curious to dive more into thanks to some episode 4 sneak peeks!

Here’s a quick recap in the event that you need it. At the end of episode 3, Sabiyah was blindsided with a newly-melted idol — kudos to Emily and Kaleb for working to pull that off. Now, Sean is on the outside of the numbers, and he has to find a way to win himself over, even if he is clearly third place within a three-person group.

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If you head over to the link here, you can see a sneak peak of how Sean is trying to move forward here, which starts with him simply trying his best to schmooze and win over some of the people within his group. Emily and Kaleb are being kind to him, but in a confessional Emily notes how Sean is clearly just putting on good energy after what happened.

Given that there is a swap, it is important that these three do get on the same page — after all, there is a tiny chance that they all are still on the same tribe together! They have to keep the numbers that they have since otherwise, they could easily be picked off. This is going to be a huge test for all three of them, especially since none of them have idols.

Luckily, we can say at the moment that there are some clean divisions elsewhere. Over on the Belo tribe, for example, it is clear that we are looking at roughly three pairs. Meanwhile, on Reba both J. Maya and Sifu are on the outside looking in — but how aware of that are they? For now, Austin is the only person with an active idol within the game.

Related – Get more news now entering this Survivor 45 episode

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(Photo: CBS.)

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