Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Jag ruins his own surprise

Big Brother 25

We really should have seen this coming when it comes to the Big Brother 25 invisible HoH — nobody can keep a secret in this house!

Overnight, the truth was revealed officially that Jag has the power this week, with that, could do whatever he chose to. There was no punishment that came with telling people, so he quickly told Matt about it and today, he has already informed Cory, America, and Bowie Jane. With that, his five-person “core” (that is not really a core) is aware of what is happening.

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So who are the nominees going to be? Well, Jag is doing the predictable thing in here in 1) freaking out and 2) over-thinking, as he realizes that there is a Veto twist coming and he doesn’t want to make a big move yet because of it. Felicia and Blue seem like the most-likely nominees now, given that Blue hasn’t won anything all season and there is no reason to be super-scared when it comes to her now. Bowie Jane objected strongly to the idea of being a pawn, especially since her, Cirie, Jag, and Matt are supposed to be a group.

At this point, it is really just a matter of time before everyone knows for sure that Jag is HoH … and Blue is going to feel really silly for ever trusted him in the first place. He thinks that there is a path of least resistance this week when in reality, he should just be playing the game. Blue isn’t coming for him right now, so he really should just be eliminating another potentially dangerous player in Cory and with that, splitting up the showmance. He is one of the largest threats remaining regardless, so he’s going to be reliant on Matt almost no matter what.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Big Brother 25, including other info from this morning

Do you think that Jag is making some colossal mistakes on Big Brother 25 as the HoH?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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