Survivor 45 episode 3: Sabiyah Broderick voted out
However, by the immunity challenge is still didn’t matter. The group lost yet another puzzle and with that, Sean, Sabiyah, Kaleb, and Emily had to go to Tribal for the third straight week.
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Here is where things started to really shock us — Kaleb became a huge target on the Lulu tribe. Why? It’s almost as though he’s too good. He hasn’t lied to anyone; rather, it just feels like there is this legitimate concern that if he is not a target now, he could make it all the way to the end of the game. Sabiyah and Sean were set to vote him out, and wanted Emily to do the same. However, Emily started to get suspicious of Sabiyah, and told Kaleb that unless he votes with her, there was a good chance that he would be voted out instead.
To make things crazier, a lot depended on whether or not Sabiyah could get her immunity idol at Tribal Council and if it would melt in time.
So what happened?
For starters, watching Sabiyah throw the idol in the fire was entertaining, especially her trying to draw out Tribal as long as possible. She didn’t actually need that much time to burn it.
The problem here is that Sabiyah needed to not vote tonight in order for her idol to be good until the merge, and that proposed a problem. She didn’t play the idol and, in the end, she was voted out.
Related – Check out some more thoughts about Survivor, including Jeff Probst discussing puzzles
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(Photo: CBS.)