Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Full Zingbot Veto preview!

Big Brother 25

While we wait for the latest Big Brother 25 Power of Veto Competition to transpire, why not go ahead and set the stage?

First things first, let’s remind you that Zingbot, at the time of this writing, is probably roasting some of the houseguests. This is an annual tradition that is sometimes cheesy, but always welcomed from a sheer ridiculousness perspective. It is a big milestone for the players in the game to make it this far, and we are already curious what some of the zings are going to be about. We already have a feeling that Cory is going to get a brutal one, as could Cameron and current HoH Bowie Jane.

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When it comes to the competition itself, Zingbot can at times be hard to predict since historically, it has been a number of different competitions. We know that some players have speculated OTEV but personally, we hope that is being saved for at some point over the next few weeks. We also still have BB Comics to do, as well, and with the Comicverse playing a big part in next week’s festivities, that could be a good time for it. (Typically, though, we do get OTEV first.)

So who will win the Veto? Felicia and Cirie are on the block, meaning that Cirie finally gets to play Veto! Head of Household Bowie Jane will probably throw it, but everyone else playing (including Matt, Jag, and America) are all likely to use it if they win. Cameron is the backdoor target thanks to 1) Cameron’s own actions and 2) Jag putting in work with Bowie. Ironically, in doing this Jag has other players sketched-out because he hasn’t spent as much time with them. That is the weird thing about this game sometimes…

Related Be sure to get some other news on Big Brother 25, including other updates from the day

What do you most want to see within the latest Zingbot Big Brother 25 Power of Veto Competition?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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