Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Reilly’s case of HoH-itis (day 5)
The good news for Reilly, at least for now, is that we still wouldn’t put it on the level of Frenchie, at least just yet. The bad news is that she’s got her fair share of problems, with the biggest being that she seems to think that she will have power for the rest of the game.
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It is hard to figure out the true origin of Reilly’s case of rampant HoH-itis, other than the fact that she has real main character energy in thinking that everyone is telling her the truth and that she’s playing the game faster and better than anyone. She things that she’s got her core group in the Handful and her larger eight-person group in Family Style. She also seems to think that Cirie and Felicia would not come after her, even though she felt Felicia on the block and neither are in the core group. She’s already contemplated her game up to week 4!
Is she concerned that she’ll be a target next week? Yes, and that’s why we can’t say she is the worst week 1 HoH ever. Her biggest problem is that there better moves to make that are obvious! Take today, when she has spent way too much time indoors or in the HoH room when really, she holds very little power now. Hisam isn’t the using the Veto, and Kirsten is more than likely going home. Nobody has to kiss the ring now. She’s not chatting with enough people, and she’s made her association with Jag way too obvious. (Jag is also spending too much time with her, as well.)
At this point, we tend to think that a number of people on Cirie’s side, whether it be her, Felicia, Izzy, Bowie, Hisam, Red, or Mecole, would consider nominating her either outright or as a replacement nominee. (Hisam is actually meeting with Reilly as we are writing this, assuring her that he won’t use the Veto and saying they can work together.)
Reilly and Jag both are in big danger after this week — at least provided that someone on their side does not get power.
Related – Read more news on Big Brother 25 and Hisam’s big Veto win
Do you think there’s any saving Reilly on Big Brother 25 at this point?
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(Photo: CBS.)