Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Izzy’s ‘plan,’ Kirsten’s reality
She’s known for a little while now why she is on the block: She talked too much early on and got found out in some of her lies. We don’t blame her — she didn’t do anything malicious, and was just trying to play the game. It does get progressively hard to watch her struggle, especially when she learned that Felicia and Jared threw her under the bus. Once again, it wasn’t malicious — Felicia has to make sure she stays! It is still tough, though…
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We do think that Kirsten actually does have a case to stay, but it would take her figuring out some things — including that Felicia has a really tight thing going right now with Cirie, Jared, Izzy, Mecole, Bowie, Red (to some extent) and Hisam. There are fourteen people voting this week, so the other seven people would have to all be on board. That means that Reilly, Blue, Matt, Luke, Cory, Jag, and America would vote to save Felicia and then Reilly, as HoH, would break the tie.
What’s the problem? Well, for starters, Kristen would have to figure out how to expose that other group. Izzy has been really messy and yet, hasn’t been that called out for it. Hilariously, she went from trying to recruit Cory last night to having him #1 on her pecking order to take out today. Cory would probably need to find out about what Izzy really thinks about him; we know that he feels like he “owes” Reilly for saving him, and he is threatened by Cirie. Getting Luke on the same side as Reilly’s group is another challenge, given that he’s basically neutral. (Also, he was going to be a replacement nominee if need be.)
Technically, Kirsten could also just try and convince Hisam to use the Veto on her or Felicia to give herself a better chance — but what would her argument be?
The backyard is open this afternoon and with that, some major game-talk has slowed down. It may been nice to see more of someone in Matt who has been MIA at times on the feeds. We feel for him given that not everyone understands how to communicate with him; at least Cirie and Izzy have been pretty good at looking at him while they talk, which allows him to better understand.
Related – Read more about the Veto win within the Big Brother 25 house by Hisam
What do you think will happen in Big Brother 25 the rest of the day?
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(Photo: CBS.)