Big Brother 25 spoilers: A mystery 17th houseguest coming!

Big Brother 25

Earlier today, we pondered over the possibility of more players joining Big Brother 25 in some shape or form — and now, we have more information.

In a post on the show’s official Twitter, we got some confirmation that there is going to be a mystery 17th houseguest entering the game … but who will it be? Is it one of the three people we saw in the cold open in Britney Haynes, Danielle Reyes, or Frankie Grande? Or, are the rumors true about it being Cirie? there is SO much scuttlebutt, and we’re honestly not even sure that 17 is the total number for the season yet. After all, it looks like there are 18 beds in the house!

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Now, we do personally tend to think the premiere will give us at least a little more information, but there has to be a reason why CBS did not reveal this person alongside the other players. The idea here is clearly that this is someone who we will care about on our own, whether it be a past houseguest or someone with experience on another reality competition.

If it is one of the former players from this show, we’d be fine with either Danielle or Britney. Meanwhile, having a Survivor legend could be really fun! It is technically a different game, so there is no guarantee they would be good at it. That does increase the unpredictability factor of the show, which is something that we think it needs to be as great as humanly possible.

Of course, we could continue to go into some sort of huge speculation rabbit-hole here … but the reality is that the premiere is less than two hours away. One way or another, we are about to get so much more information.

Who do you think the 17th houseguest could be on Big Brother 25?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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