Big Brother 25: Will Cory Wurtenberger know about Jared Fields?

Big Brother 25

In light of today’s Big Brother 25 cast reveal, let’s have a talk about Cory Wurtenberger, brother of Survivor 42 alum Zach. He’s an interesting inclusion on the cast this season, mostly because Zach is such an interesting reality TV alum to draw from. He was gone so soon on his season! Yet, he’s fantastic on Twitter and he was good TV there, and we have some high expectations for his brother.

Here’s where things get a little more interesting: Will Cory know that fellow contestant Jared Fields is related to a Survivor alum himself in Cirie? This could be a big storyline early on this season.

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Ultimately, this is something that we should take a wait-and-see approach on, but it’s worth noting that there’s a chance. After all, here is what Zach said on Twitter today:

Wanted to answer this question specifically because I know it could have huge ramifications. Cory has watched Game Changers more than once, and he knows the Jared David vs. Goliath story. My gut says he doesn’t recognize him, but it is totally possible.

Jared appeared on the aforementioned Survivor season as Cirie’s family visit — he wasn’t on-screen for long, but he was there. The David vs. Goliath story is that Jared was rumored to have been a part of one iteration of that cast back in the day. It is asking a lot Cory to be able to put all of this together, but here is what we would say: If Jared was going by a different name, he probably wouldn’t figure it out. Because he is still Jared, though, we could see it coming together over time. Remember also that because Cory has this Survivor connection, he may assume there are some other ones out there.

Why does all this matter? Well, it’s because Jared does not plan on telling anyone about his mom, and that could be a secret Cory could use against him in the game. Time will tell.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother, including on Jared

Do you think this Cory – Jared Big Brother 25 connection could hold ramifications for them in the game?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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