Hijack season 1 episode 4 spoilers: Sam’s best hope

Hijack season 1

Tonight on Apple TV+, you are going to have a chance to see Hijack season 1 episode 4 — so what exactly is going to happen?

Well, at the end of episode 3, it was made abundantly clear that Idris Elba’s character of Sam was not exactly in a great place. Just think about what we saw for a moment here! There was that gunshot, and we never actually saw if he was okay or not.

If there is one thing that we can tell you now to offer at least some consolation, though, it is simply this: Based on both the synopsis and some other info for episode 4, it does seem like he makes it through the cliffhanger. As a matter of fact, it is actually someone else who could be the reason for some concern here. Who is it? Well, to put it bluntly, we are talking here about one of the Hijackers. When one of them ends up being injured in this episode, we are going to see Sam face a somewhat difficult dilemma. He can take advantage of the moment to try and get help for the plane on the ground.

However, there is also this — if he can save this man’s life, should he take time away from his other goal in order to do so? This is where the show gets all the more interesting. Sure, there is this big-time action-packed thriller aspect to it, but there is also something a little bit deeper here, as well. The show has a chance to speak to a lot of interesting ideas about morality, and do it in a package that never feels too preachy.

No matter what happens, know there won’t be any resolution here — there is still a good ways to go before this season is over, after all.

What do you most want to see moving into Hijack season 1 episode 4 on Apple TV+ a little later tonight?

Go ahead and let us know in the attached comments! Once you do just that, come back — there are some other updates very soon that you don’t want to miss.

(Photo: Apple TV+.)

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