‘The Amazing Race 22’ finale preview: Who will win?

The Amazing RaceLet’s hope that you have a couple of hours set aside on your schedule on Sunday night. Why? “The Amazing Race 22” finale is going to be a two-hour affair, and one of the four teams remaining is about to be a million dollars richer. If you look at the group across the board, it is in many ways a pretty unlikely sort. Who expected the crying country singers to make it this far, the invisible roller derby moms, or the combustible Max & Katie, who came back from the dead back in Africa? We genuinely through that Team YouTube had the inside track with the edit to win, and they are now gone. That just shows you how unpredictable this season is.

We don’t really know if there is a clear favorite out of the teams remaining, and that is what ultimately makes these final two legs so interesting. We’re about to find out who is the winner is, and with that here come the final edition of our rankings! We consider leg performance first and foremost, but we also have to consider edit / screen time just from the standpoint of the show wanting a winner that people can get behind.

4. Mona & Beth – The roller derby moms have done a great job at staying in the race much longer than anyone imagined that they would. At the same time, we also don’t have any real evidence that they are likely winners. They have received a microscopic edit, and we’ve also seen that they are masters at getting lost on the road. Neither of these qualities makes for a good winner.

3. Caroline & Jennifer – Wouldn’t it be ironic if the two ladies who sang about winning “The Amazing Race” earlier this season actually did? They have done a great job staying alive, but they, along with Bates & Anthony, have been so reliant at on others at times that it could cause them to be at a disadvantage now that it is every team for themselves. They also get rattled easily, which is not good when the tasks become more and more difficult.

2. Bates & Anthony – As good as the hockey guys have been, we still worry about them for the simple reason that they have not always been proactive racers. For so long, much of their style has just been to follow what other teams do rather than take the initiative, which means that they may not be as prepared in the final leg. Plus, we don’t get the same sense that they will be prepared for the memory-based final task as well as the #1 team.

1. Max & Katie – These two and the hockey players are the only two teams left with wins between them, and the couple has momentum right now with two straight victories. Also, we’re looking at edit here: While these two have fought and had their share of meltdowns, they also have received a more positive overall edit than we would have expected going into this season. Their win would probably be pretty well-appreciated around the show community, especially since they played the game aggressively from the get-go.

Who do you think should win “The Amazing Race 22”? Be sure to watch the sneak peek from Sunday’s finale below, and you can also read our most-recent episode review over at the link here.

Photo: CBS

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