Platonic season 1 episode 7: Sylvia is hired, fired

Platonic season 1

This week on Platonic season 1 episode 7, we were given a pretty clear reminder of just how chaotic this overall story can be. Also, how not all of Sylvia’s problems are tied to Will at all.

Instead, through much of this episode we had a chance to see from start to finish just how Rose Byrne’s character adapted to her job — and beyond just that, the ways in which she didn’t. She realized that being back at a law firm was no easy after so many years away, and she ended up damaging a valuable painting. Will actually tried to help her, of course, before making things worse.

The real question at the heart of this episode is pretty simple: Why did Sylvia put up the new painting, where the high-powered attorney’s nose was replaced by a particular part of the male anatomy? It is a good question to wonder thanks mostly to how she’s smart enough on some level to realize there could have been cameras somewhere. Had she not hung that painting up and explained the situation away, it’s possible that she would still have her job. That didn’t happen. She was fired, and more embarrassingly she didn’t even realize that she was fired at first.

Is she trying to sabotage a certain part of her life? You can argue that, but we would say that more of this is a mere symptom of her own unhappiness. She’s stuck in a terrible rut with no clear sense of how to get out of it and while she loves Charlie, he doesn’t understand.

The big reason why Will does is on some level, he feels the same thing. He’s deliberately coming up with ideas at work that will never turn a profit, and he also seems to be okay renting out the bar for birthday parties that won’t make anywhere near the same money as it would on a normal night.

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(Photo: Apple TV+.)

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