‘Real Housewives of Orange County’ review: Vicki Gunvalson, Tamra Barney talk it out

Real Housewives of Orange CountyWe really are starting to feel now that “The Real Housewives of Orange County” is starting to hit its stride. We finally got a greater understanding about new housewife Lydia McLaughlin, and some of the characters that we’ve come to know for quite some time started to really dive into their stories for the year.

First of all, we had what looks to be the “resolution” for Vicki Gunvalson and Tamra Barney after so many months of conflict. The two agreed to at least try to move forward, and while we are not 100% sure that they are really going to go through the entire season without a fight, one thing that is impressive about Tamra is that she has shown that she will let things go over time. (For more evidence, just look at her and Gretchen Rossi moving on last season.) Of course, something a few minutes later probably negates this whole conversation, which also means that this is not going to be easy for Tamra to get over this time.

Heather Dubrow’s story was in a way tied to Lydia, as we saw the two share an extremely awkward conversation about whether or not Heather’s palace (which really is more of a home, let’s be honest) is worthy of getting on the front cover of a major magazine. The best part of Heather’s plot this week, though, was really seeing her family get ready for temple … which included Terry in complete “sitcom dad” mode, telling jokes at the most inopportune times.

At the end of the day, though, there was still some drama for Tamra; after all, Vicki invited Alexis Bellino to Tamra’s party at the dance studio! You know that this is the sort of thing that will be a problem for weeks to come, right? So much for these two getting along…

What did you think about this “Real Housewives of Orange County” episode? Be sure to share some of your thoughts below, and you can watch a video from this hour by heading on over to the link here.

Photo: Bravo

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