‘Mad Men’ episode 3, season 6 review: What’s wrong with Pete Campbell?
On tonight’s episode of “Mad Men” season 6 we finally saw the return of Pete Campbell, who we were dying to see during the season 6 premiere, but was barely present. Tonight however marked his return in a big bad sleazy way, so let’s see what he (and everyone else) has been up to this week.
Pete Campbell: He has gone from merely cheating on his wife with someone he truly thought he was in love with last season to sleeping with anyone and everyone behind his wife’s back (including her friends). He’s sleeping with so many women at this point that he has a separate apartment that he brings them to and although some of them want more from Pete, he’s just so broken he can’t offer anything more then just a moment in time. When one of his affairs gets punched in the face by her husband and dropped off at Pete’s home, Trudy takes care of her. The next day Trudy tells Pete that she has tried to turn the other way to his affairs, but he is no longer being discrete about them and she’s decided to divorce him.
Don Draper: Don is still sleeping with his friend’s wife and Megan is not only clueless, but she’s confiding in this woman (thinking she is her friend) and telling her that she had a miscarriage, but didn’t tell Don. Megan eventually decides to tell Don about the miscarriage and they decide to have the baby talk, where they both say that they want to have kids together, but neither really means it. Megan’s miscarriage hasn’t changed anything for Don and he is still happy to continue his affair.
Peggy Olson: While speaking on the phone to her friend at SCDP her boss over hears that the Heinz account isn’t happy over there and pressures her into stealing the account. Will she do it or will she stay loyal to her friend?
What did you think of tonight’s episode of “Mad Men” season 6? Are you surprised that Pete’s life has taken such a bad turn or is this exactly what you expected from him? Leave us a comment and tell us what direction Pete’s life will take.
Photo: AMC