‘Pretty Little Liars’ season 4 spoilers: Series boss says to expect more of…

Pretty Little LiarsEvery season on “Pretty Little Liars,” there is a core group of characters that we should really expect to see quite a bit of. However, at the same time there is also a crew of people that pop in and out of the show where they will make a run of several episodes in a row (like Melissa), and then be gone for months.

Based on what executive producer Marlene King is saying now, though, there is one person who we should definitely expect to see plenty more of in the season moving forward … and it is a person that should not really come as much of a surprise given how big of a role that they played in the season 3 finale. In a new post on her official Twitter account, here is what King had to say:

“Are you ready to see a lot more of [Sasha Pieterse] in season four of #PrettyLittleLiars ?”

Pieterse is of course otherwise known as Alison DiLaurentis, and to this point on the show the majority of her appearances have come via either flashbacks or dream sequences. However, the possibility of her being the enigmatic “Red Coat” definitely changes things on many levels. We certainly don’t believe that all of the Liars were hallucinating when they saw her at the scene of the fire, and there has to be so much more to the story here beyond what has been revealed. After all, the Alison that these ladies knew died years ago, and they had all started to move on with their lives.

What do you specifically want to see unfold on “Pretty Little Liars” moving forward? Be sure to share some of your thoughts below, and you can also check out some lines from the June 11 premiere over at the link here.

Photo: ABC Family

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