‘Mad Men’ season 6 premiere review: Are Don Draper and Megan still together?
We have been crazy excited for the return of “Mad Men” and for the most part the season 6 premiere did not disappoint. While we feel that the premiere did not need to be two hours long, it was nice to finally have a chance to catch up with everyone. So let’s get right to the details everyone wants to know.
Don Draper and Megan: These two are still married and while Megan seems to have it all when it comes to her career, she is a bit oblivious to the fact that her relationship with Don is filled with distance. After a trip to Hawaii with Megan, Don becomes very reflective of his past, starts drinking heavily and contemplating life. Don is completely thrown off his game and when it comes to work he is dropping the ball with clients. As to the question everyone’s wondering – did Don sleep with that woman at the bar? Most likely and he’s cheating on Megan with his friend’s wife. Things are not looking good for the Drapers.
Betty and Henry: Betty has a teenaged violinist named Sandy staying at her home with Henry, but after she learns that Sandy left without saying goodbye, Betty sets out to find her. She doesn’t find Sandy, but she does find a house full of squatters that are just trying to get by and her perspective changes… and later so does her hair (she dyes it dark brown).
Peggy Olson: Peggy is doing great at her new job (and with her new boyfriend), but when she is faced with a client who is not happy with her Superbowl ad (after some controversy with it), and a new side of her comes out who is very reminiscent of Don Draper… including the possibility of her stepping out on her boyfriend with her boss who is clearly interested in her.
Roger Sterling: He’s in therapy, but it doesn’t seem to be helping as he is still a bit of a hound dog and his drinking is just as bad as ever. When he finds out that his mother has died from a stroke, his secretary is more broken up about it then he is. At the funeral, Roger loses his mind when an uninvited guest shows up and he throws everyone out. Although he didn’t break down at the news of his mother passing away, he does start crying when his shoe shine guy dies.
Over all the premiere of “Mad Men” season 6 was a nice way to introduce viewers to where all of the characters are in the late 1960’s, but it really didn’t need to be two hours long. The two people that we really missed catching up with were Pete and Joan, hopefully there will be more on them in the upcoming episodes. What did you think of the “Mad Men” season 6 premiere? Leave us a comment and tell us what you thought of the episode.
Photo: AMC
Nick Tat
April 8, 2013 @ 11:42 am
I thought the episode was slow, and even boring at times, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It set the groundwork for what looks to be an interesting, moody season. I think this is how a premier for a show like Mad Men should be. Excited to see how everything will develop in this season.