‘New Girl’ season 2, episode 21 review: How was Nick and Jess’ ‘First Date’?
Ever since we first heard that Nick and Jess were going on a “First Date” on “New Girl” earlier this year, we were excited. However, what we ended up learning here in the process is that there was much more going on with this wannabe couple than first met the eye.
In varying ways, this installment was both very good and also very frustrating at the same time. Why? There is a part of us that of course wants to see these two characters together, but we know in our heart of hearts that they just weren’t ready for that sort of commitment just yet. After all, Nick wasn’t even able to tell Jess to her face that they were going on a date, and it wasn’t until Jess’ ex Russell confronted them about it at the end of their evening that they realized that they weren’t even close to being on the same page.
So you could almost look at this episode as a microcosm of a failed relation: two people went out together, went back to being friends, tried to make a relationship work for a second time with them both on the same page, and then they “broke up.” With this split-that-wasn’t-really-a-split in mind, though, there was clearly enough at the end to suggest that this story is far from over, and we’re now dying to know what they each gave to Russell that was written on the pieces of paper. (Doesn’t this mean that Dermot Mulroney has to return at some point?)
As for the other storyline this week, it was funny to see Schmidt and Winston learn to get along with each other … as in very funny. A homeless man occupying their bathroom has to be one of the more ridiculous moments of the entire season so far.
What did you think about this episode as a whole? Be sure to share some of your thoughts with a comment below, and you can read some more “New Girl” finale scoop about Nick and Jess over at the link here.
Photo: Fox