NBC’s ‘Revolution’ spoilers: Check out the official WonderCon trailer
“Revolution” was just one of many shows this weekend to have a panel discussion at WonderCon, and in preparation for the episodes ahead, NBC unveiled a trailer that has to be called epic first and foremost.
More than anything else right now, we simply have to give the show credit for really coming up with a pretty fantastic way to advertise some of the episodes that are coming up. This clip feels genuinely exciting and epic, and there is quite a bit going on here, including the capture of Nora, Neville seemingly being tortured by Miles, a possible new romance for Rachel, and Monroe getting more power than he has had to date. Now that our leads seem to be permanently placed in a defined location, the show is infinitely better for it. The show has at times lacked a definite sense of place, just as it has also lacked specific goals for some of the characters.
Moving forward, let’s hope that there is a little bit more of a focus, as the trailer definitely suggests that the war for power is going to become rather interesting. We’ve said it almost from the beginning of this series that there really is potential here in order for the show to be one of the best on network TV, but all of the pieces have yet to come together. Monday’s mid-season premiere was a slight improvement, and now we just have to hope for momentum from here on out.
What do you think about this trailer as a whole? Be sure to share some of your thoughts below, and you can read our full review of the 11th episode of this season over at the link here.
Photo: NBC