‘The Amazing Race 22’ preview: Bushmen in the back seat!

The Amazing RaceFor whatever reason, we always love the episodes of “The Amazing Race” where the teams are really placed into the wilderness. Maybe it’s because so many of the city legs actually blend together at this point, but there continues to be something rather interesting in seeing what happens when the competitors are really put into a position where their ability to finish tasks matters more than bad taxi drivers or traffic slowing them down.

First of all, we have to assume that the playing field will probably be level courtesy of the fact that traveling from Asia into Botswana is not going to be an easy flight to find. This helps Chuck & Wynona immensely, though they are probably going to need much more help than this is they want to have any hope at doing well in this race. After all, they remain the laughingstock of the show right now as just about everyone else seems them as a team that is only there because Jessica & John chose to not use an Express Pass, and because David & Connor had to quit the race in order to get an injury checked out.

The competition aside, the most hilarious part of this video has to be seeing all of the bushmen riding along in the back seat on the way to help teams with their challenges. We hope this is a remarkable culture clash, as they can teach these Americans their culture, and some of what they do in order to survive in what is often a pretty unforgiving land.

What do you want to see transpire during this episode? Be sure to share some more of your thoughts below, and you can also visit the link here in order to find out

Photo: CBS

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