‘Mad Men’ season 6 spoilers: How will Lane Pryce’s suicide affect SCDP?
Everyone is beyond excited about “Mad Men” season 6 starting up in April and while in the past showrunner Matthew Weiner has been pretty tight-lipped about everything, this season he’s letting a few tidbits here and there slip out much to the delight of everyone.
So what can we expect from “Mad Men” season 6? According to TV Guide you should expect that Lane Pryce’s suicide at the SCDP offices will be looming darkly over the new season, both literally and creatively. SCDP will be booming, but his suicide will leave a darkness of mortality over the group which could lead to some of the characters deciding to grab life by the hand and change things up. Will one of these people be Don Draper? When we left Don in “Mad Men” season 5 he had felt like he was moving further away from his marriage to Megan and found himself in a bar with a strange woman asking him if he was alone. It’s possible that the death of Lane Pryce made him rethink his decision to be in a relationship and step outside of his marriage with the woman from the bar – it certainly wouldn’t be the first time he’s done this in a marriage (as he did to Betty all the time). One thing is for sure, we will find out if Don actually went home with that woman or not in season 6, it will no longer be a question.
Another cool aspect of season 6 will be that there will be more of a focus on Betty, where in season 5 of “Mad Men” she didn’t really seem to have too much of a role outside of being the mother to Don’s children and struggling with her weight gain. This season we will see the old Betty return when one of the character’s goes missing and her attempt at self-sacrifice brings her back to being her old narcissistic self.
The 2 hour premiere of “Mad Men” season 6 returns to AMC on Sunday, April 7 at 9 p.m. – will you be tuning in? If you are still looking for more scoop on “Mad Men” season 6, then be sure to check out some of our other “Mad Men” spoilers here.
Photo: AMC