Is Felix Solis leaving The Rookie: Feds? Is Garza dead?

The Rookie Feds season 1

Is Felix Solis leaving The Rookie: Feds following the events of Tuesday’s new episode? It is absolutely fair to wonder that, and also fair to wonder if Garza is truly gone.

The truth of the matter is that this is a guy who should’ve found a way to take more time for himself as difficult or even impossible as that may have seemed at times. He has gone through so much in his life and when you have the responsibility of the job plus the grief of losing someone you love, you don’t see things clearly. Him collapsing at the gravesite is something that we should have seen coming and yet, we didn’t.

If the character is truly dead, then absolutely there’s a reason to think that the entire FBI unit will change. However, it could still even if he is alive, and we do still tend to be confident that he’s going to come out of this, unlikely as it may seem. There’s just a really interesting story to tell here with someone who has to wrestle with a dramatic life change and realizing that they’ve done things the wrong way for a while.

For those of you wondering why in the world the writers gave you think particular cliffhanger right before the start of a hiatus, the answer to that is pretty simple … and intentional. They did this in order to leave you guessing for a long time what the future is going to hold and with that, make you excited for what lies ahead in the new year.

At press time, just know nothing has been confirmed when it comes to Solis’ long-term status. Also, remember that The Rookie proper has a long history of making you think certain characters are gone, only to bring them back from the dead.

Related Take a look at other insight all about The Rookie: Feds

What did you think overall about the events of The Rookie: Feds season 1 episode 9?

Do you think Garza will end up surviving this particular cliffhanger? Share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, stay tuned for even more discussion as we work to press onward. (Photo: ABC.)

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