Survivor 43 episode 3: Nneka Ejere voted out of Vesi

Survivor 43

Tonight’s Survivor 43 episode 3 was jam-packed full of content, and it didn’t really matter what tribe we were talking about here.

Take, for starters, Karla making a big move on Coco opening up the Beware Advantage. She actually completed the bead task without too much effort! She’s safe, and Gabler is still safe despite the women on the Baka Tribe thinking that he didn’t realize it was still valid.

Then, we get to the Vesi Tribe, where things got absolutely fascinating. Nneka was blamed for the failure at the immunity challenge, mostly because she volunteered to do the puzzle and lost. Cody and Jesse agonized over what to do after, given that they love Nneka but she fell short. Noelle was more outside of their alliance, but she performed better and proved that having only one leg didn’t slow her down at all.

Now, we get to the patented Survivor journey, where Noelle was sent alongside Owen and James. This was a cool change to what we typically see there — not only was she honest with them about what happened on her tribe, but they recognized that enough to let her get the advantage. This could pay off later, and we really don’t think it was a bad move at all for her to be this open. She knew that she was on the bottom there and she’d never be #1 with some of them. Owen and James have no reason to rat her out anytime soon.

Here’s the one beef

Is the Steal-A-Vote too powerful at this point in the game? In a way we kinda think so, but Jesse also set himself up for some trouble by going against what Dwight wanted at this past Tribal Council. He burned trust there and following that, Noelle bonded with Dwight and told him about the advantage.

Who is gone?

We were 100% sure we knew what was going to happen entering Tribal. (Or a 10, to use the scale suggested by Jeff.) We thought that Noelle would steal Jesse’s vote, team up with Dwight, and they would take Jesse out of the game. However, she needed need to as Nneka was taken out in pretty decisive fashion. She gets to keep that advantage for another day, but we wonder if this will qualify as the big move that Owen and James thought she was going to be making with it.

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