Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Brittany, Taylor talk it out (day 77)

Taylor Hale Big Brother

Day 77 of the Big Brother 24 house is almost at a close and in general, the big theme of this piece is going to be endgame scenarios.

At this point, Brittany knows her exit is a done deal. She’s tried, but at a certain point, she realizes that talking to Monte about her staying is like talking to a brick wall. Taylor has also tried, and we’ve gotten a reminder of great jury management from her all week. Despite believing strongly (and rightfully) that Brittany was the person to vote against her this past Thursday, she has still shown kindness and an openness to campaign to Monte to keep her. Sure, she has a personal motivation for doing it as well (she knows she can beat Brittany in the end), but it’s made Brittany feel validated in the game.

As a matter of fact, it cements further that Brittany is going to convince other people to vote for her to win. She won’t be around the jury much (maybe just a roundtable, provided that happens), but she is going to try and get Indy, Jasmine, her, and Michael all on the same page. We know that Joseph would also vote for Taylor … or so we assume based on their bond. Those five would be enough for her!

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Big Brother 24, including more from the live feeds

We also had a discussion today from Taylor and Brittany when it comes to the final three, as Taylor believes that she probably has to take Monte to the end if she wants to win. Honestly, we don’t think it matters so long as she wins the final HoH. Brittany’s still right to be frustrated that Monte is keeping a more dangerous player in Turner (though he thinks it guarantees him final two), but we do think everyone is overrating Turner somewhat as a jury threat. He’s got a good social game, but he’s been a team player most of the time and he can’t claim that many moves as solely his own.

If Taylor wins the final HoH, we think she wins the game. Maybe that’s a hot take, but we don’t think so.

So really, tonight’s about venting: Taylor knows what she has to do in order to win the game, or so she feels. Meanwhile, Turner is off with Monte acting like he’s forgotten most of what happened this season. Is he being serious, or just trying to play dumb? Time will tell…

What do you think is going to happen in the final three in Big Brother 24?

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