Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Monte, Taylor showmance over?
Ultimately, the way that things are going down between the two of them is rather frustrating, mostly because Monte seems to be perpetuating false narratives established elsewhere in the house as opposed to what is going on in front of him. These two had a lengthy argument overnight that stemmed from a comment she made that he found insensitive and condescending. From there, he proceeded to talk about how her attitude changes dramatically depending on when she’s in power and how she has this “cold” persona. From there, he brought up Paloma, Nicole, and Daniel of all people to explain why some people view her that way — even after she apologized for what she said in the first place. Nobody’s perfect, but she has the self-awareness to recognize her own faults.
Even if Taylor said something out of line or it was misconstrued, she was someone clearly trying to make things right, but Monte on some level still seems stuck on what other people thought of Taylor from earlier in the game. Unfortunately Zingbot continued this narrative with the zing earlier this season.
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At the end of all of this, the two “break up” and try to set a new boundary — he doesn’t sleep in the Head of Household room overnight. Yet, they still did kiss after the fact. It’s why we don’t think the showmance is fully over, but we don’t see it sustaining based largely on how the two seem to want slightly different things both in the game and potentially long-term. There’s also some comments Monte has made about Taylor from earlier on in the game that for now, she’s not privy to. We still don’t think the showmance is done, largely because there are so few people left and there is still six more days in the game; people are going to get bored.
The crummiest part of it for Taylor is that strategically, it still benefits her to be close to Monte even if she’s frustrated with him; remember that she wants to keep Brittany this week if it’s possible, and even vented a little bit overnight about how it makes way more sense to get rid of Turner, someone who could beat either of them at the end. (Monte’s still sure to keep Turner over Brittany.)
What do you think: Is the Monte, Taylor showmance going to last the rest of Big Brother 24?
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