American Horror Story season 11 premiere date: The worst case?
We’ve already written about the fears we have that the show won’t be coming back in October — is that really the worst-case scenario here for the franchise? That feels like a worthy discussion!
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We’ve already come out and said on a number of occasions that we still expect the series back in October, as the network can get people excited in a pretty short period of time. Still, for a worst-case scenario we have to look at every remote possibility here.
Given that FX has already said that the latest chapter of the franchise will be out this fall, you don’t have to worry about it being on hold until 2023. Instead, we think the worst possible scenario is that for whatever reason, the show misses Halloween and comes out in November. Why would that happen? The easiest answer is that the episodes wouldn’t be ready in time … and it’s hard to get an acute understanding of why that would be from the outside.
Now that we’ve spelled all of that out, let’s just cross our fingers and hope for more good stuff soon!
Related – Check out some more news when it comes to American Horror Story season 11 now
What do you most want to see when it comes to an American Horror Story season 11 premiere date?
What do you think the worst-case scenario is going to be? Share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, come back around for some other updates. (Photo: FX.)
This article was written by Jessica BunBun. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.