Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Taylor gives Brittany hope

Taylor Hale Big Brother

Day 74 in the Big Brother 24 house is almost done and on paper, it does look as though the plan for the week is set in stone.

Is it, though? That really just depends on who you ask. When it comes to Veto holder Monte, it absolutely is. He is 100% going to vote out Brittany on Thursday and allow himself a final three with Taylor and Turner. It makes sense for a lot of reasons we’ve spelled out, with the simplest being that the odds are much higher with Taylor / Turner that both of him will take him to final two than with Taylor / Brittany.

Yet, Taylor did do something a little bit interesting earlier this evening: Give Brittany hope that she could still say.

Related Check out some other Big Brother 24 news and daily live-feed scoop!

So what is Taylor’s plan? Well, unfortunately she didn’t say beyond that she’d talk to her later. The problem with this week is that with so few players left, it’s super-obvious when you are off with someone. Ironically, it’s harder to get alone time despite the house being empty; people will wonder where you are. The final four have spent most of the evening together, first making tie-dye shirts and then playing cards. (Big Brother does tend to give them activities late in the game; there could be more throughout the week.)

We do think that Taylor is serious about wanting to keep Brittany and she should: Taylor wants to win the game. She may not realize that she actually has a chance against either Monte or Turner, based on the read that we’ve got of the jury right now. Still, she wants a slam-dunk and we get it. She’ll probably have at least one more conversation with Monte and if nothing else, giving Brittany hope (she’s been practicing a pitch today but hasn’t gotten to execute it yet) will be good for a jury vote later. Before last week, we didn’t think that was a concern at all, but Brittany got weirdly upset that Taylor wasn’t spending enough time talking game with her to the point where she defected from that alliance.

Do you think Taylor could actually have a plan in Big Brother 24 to keep Brittany?

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