Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 1 episode 5 preview!

Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 1

Following the events of this week’s episode, are you interested in learning more about The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 1 episode 5? We hope so, given that there is a lot to prepare for!

As we look at next week’s episode, of course the #1 thing we should note is where we are right now in the story, and that is firmly at the halfway point. So far the series has brought us everywhere within Middle-earth and beyond, especially when it comes to Galadriel, who found herself at risk of being sent as far away as possible. However, it appears now that she, the Queen Regent, and others are now set on a journey to Middle-earth, and at least one part of episode 5 could be about that.

One of the questions that we’ve had through all of Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power pertains to a name that we’ve heard mentioned, but not necessarily focused on all that much as of yet: Sauron. We know obviously that this dark force remains all the way through the original trilogy, so how does that happen? If there is an awareness of Sauron as a threat here, the real storytelling emphasis to us should be placed on exploring further some of the events that really set events in motion that pay off so many years down the road. We know that producers can be patient given that there is already a season 2 down the road — but it would be nice to see the story chugging in that direction sooner rather than later.

Also, in episode 5 it would be nice to get more of the Harfoots — there wasn’t enough of them in episode 4 to really suit our fancy!

What do you most want to see when it comes to The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 1 episode 5?

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Photo: Prime Video

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