Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Did Taylor reassure Brittany?

Brittany Hoopes Big Brother

If there’s one thing that we’ve felt Taylor needed to do over the past 24 hours in the Big Brother 24 house, it is 100% have a conversation with Brittany. She’s spent a lot more time as of late with Monte as they are diving fully into a late-game secret showmance, but the reality remains that Turner and Brittany control her fate as they decide whether to evict her or Alyssa.

For most of the week, it’s felt like a done deal that Alyssa would be heading to jury. However, Brittany started to waver a lot yesterday as Alyssa got on her level emotionally and talked a lot about fighting hard with her moving forward in the game. (They also spilled various secrets to each other, including that Turner told Brittany that he was voting Alyssa out and he’d break the news to her closer to the eviction.)

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Brittany is a player who needs validation, based on every bit of evidence we’ve seen so far this season — it may be frustrating to deal with at times, but Taylor has to be aware of that. Luckily, she was this afternoon and did her best to reassure her and make her feel comfortable. She apologized for not spending much time with her and explained that subconsciously, she may have just been keeping her distance because of the pressure at this point in the game.

Personally, we think it’s more complicated than that: Taylor needs Monte and Turner to think that she’s 100% solid on a final three with them, especially while she is on the block. At final four, she may have a little more flexibility, but if she shows even an inkling that she’d choose Brittany over them, they could choose to get rid of her. We think personally that Taylor would evict Turner or Monte in a second, even after the Monte showmance, if it meant she had a guaranteed chance at $750,000. That’s the game.

We’ve tried our best to run a lot of the options and in the end, the best move for Brittany is 100% keeping Taylor this week. Even if Alyssa really did turn on the guys moving forward, she’s yet to win a competition and also has jury votes at the end of the season. Brittany’s going to be the final four target of the guys no matter which one of the other women stays. She needs to at least pick the person who has a chance of winning the final four Veto and keeping her safe; she can worry about everything else later.

Do you think it was the right move for Taylor to reassure Brittany today in Big Brother 24?

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