Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Will Alyssa learn the truth?
At present, here is where things stand: Brittany used her Power of Veto on herself (naturally), and now Head of Household Monte has nominated Taylor alongside Alyssa. One of the two of them will be evicted on Thursday, and it’s going to be Alyssa.
Is this the right move for Monte’s game? We’d say overall it’s a net positive, given that she is close to Turner and taking her out ensures that he has fewer options moving forward. She’s also somewhat of a jury threat, though we think Taylor is far more dangerous at the end of this season than people actively realize. She’s smart, has a great story, and she could easily win another competition or two.
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For the time being, there doesn’t seem to be any deliberations between Turner, Brittany, and Monte as to who to evict — yet, nobody is telling Alyssa as of yet she’s a goner. Why is that? Monte told Taylor he’ll tell her the day or night before, and allow her to make a pitch and not be depressed the rest of the week. He still assured Taylor that she’ll be safe and for the time being, she’s trusting that. (We think Monte still wants to get whatever info from Alyssa that he can, even if he plans on sending her out the door.)
Other than talking to us at hoping (and hoping she’s not too associated directly with Kyle), Alyssa hasn’t shown that much aggression or killer instinct yet. It’s the big problem with her game: There hasn’t been much competitive spirit. It’s why we are so confident the vote will stay the way that it is right now, and most of this week could be spent watching Brittany, Taylor, Monte, and Turner position themselves entering the final four.
What do you think is going to happen on Big Brother 24 over the rest of the way?
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