Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Is this final three legit? (day 68)
What do we mean by that? It’s pretty simple: People are going to be spending a lot of time in bed, largely because some of them were actually awake to see the sunrise. Both the Head of Household and Veto Competitions happened in either late evening / early morning.
Yet, despite the weird hours in the house, we’ve got an even better sense of what’s going to be happening over the next few days. Brittany won the Power of Veto, so she’s removing herself from the block and Taylor will be nominated by Monte as a replacement. It’s Taylor versus Alyssa this week, but it seems pretty simple what’s going to happen. Brittany is evicting Alyssa, and it seems like Turner will do the same. He knows that not voting out Alyssa will cause distrust and hurt his game long-term. Also, she’s going to be evicted anyway since Monte holds the tiebreaker.
Is this really the right move for Turner and Monte? It’s hard to actually know that for sure, mostly because of the fact that we can’t read the jury. On paper, it’s easy to say Alyssa could have a few votes. Yet, if the jury is voting based on game, who other than Kyle is really going to have her back? Taylor could have a lot of support!
The final three…
Overnight, Turner, Taylor, and Monte DID agree upon something to go to the end together, and we do think that Monte and Turner are fairly genuine about it right now. Brittany has shown to be good in comps lately, so they probably think they can beat Taylor more easily at final three. (Taylor is better at endurance, though.) The guys may very well take each other to the end.
We don’t buy for a minute that Taylor would go to the end with these two, though; she’s really the only person who seems to understand that Brittany has value within the game since she’s probably not getting that many jury votes. If Taylor wants to get to final two, keeping Brittany until final three is a big part of that. She’s going to need to win a couple of comps to have her way close to the end.
What do you think is going to happen in the Big Brother 24 house moving forward?
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