Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Who won HoH, week 8? (day 51)
Basically, this is one of the first competitions all season where almost everyone involved needs to win — except for maybe Turner, since he can probably get in good with anyone. Think about it like this: Monte, Brittany, and Taylor all need to preserve their side of the house, especially since Kyle so blatantly betrayed them on the outside. Kyle and Alyssa will be targets by a lot of Big Brochella people if they get into power, so they desperately need the power. While we can’t see a scenario where Turner gets evicted, we could see a scenario where every single person in the house this week ends up on the block.
Unfortunately, we didn’t imagine going into tonight’s episode that we would see the competition play out live. After all, there were TWO evictions that needed to be done, and production would need that content for the live show.
Before we move forward here… – Remember to grab some other Big Brother news, including DAILY live-feed scoop
If we DO have any updates leading into the competition, or if part of it / all of it airs during the show, we will have them here. Stay tuned! Whatever happens, we just hope that it produces a LOT of drama and some legitimate chaos in the game.
The winner is…
Turner! This sounds like a stacking comp or a variation of the tiny Veto we’ve seen in the past — something that producers could set up elsewhere beyond the backyard. This does put him in an interesting position where he has to show his cards: Did he really want to stick with the Dyre Fest people long-term? Well, we’re 100% about to find out. He’s told Brittany he won’t nominate her and Michael won’t be put up at first … but he could be a replacement nominee.
Who did you want to see win the next Head of Household on Big Brother 24 tonight?
Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back for other updates that you don’t want to miss. (Photo: CBS.)