Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Week 7 Veto aftermath
First, a quick recap of events. Over in Big Brochella (Inside), Head of Household Michael nominated Jasmine and Monte. Brittany won the Veto late last night, and she almost certainly will not use it. Jasmine remains the target, though Monte could be tempting since he is such a big threat.
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Meanwhile, outside at Dyre Fest, Terrance won BOTH the Head of Household and the Veto. His initial nominees were Turner and Joseph, with the latter serving as more of the target.
The Updates…
Big Brochella – Jasmine has already started her campaign push, which includes her talking a million miles an hour. We don’t think her staying would have anything to do with her campaign; instead, it’d be tied to her being less of a threat than Monte. We do think Michael is concerned about besting Monte later, but he’s also won so many comps that he may not be AS concerned. However, Taylor and Brittany are the two in control here more than anyone else.
Dyre Fest – Fittingly, this situation is dire for Turner and Joseph, who have not seemingly realized that Kyle turned on them yesterday and told Terrance all about the Leftovers. Because of that, there’s nothing that they can really offer the HoH. If they could realize what Kyle did, they have a chance to sell Terrance that Kyle is super-duplicitous and wants to save his showmance; also, he’s been claiming responsibility for creating the Leftovers for a while. They just aren’t thinking as they should at the moment and it’s not easy to watch.
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