Big Brother 24 spoilers: Who won HoH, week 7? (Split House)

Big Brother

Who won HoH in the Big Brother 24 house? Suffice it to say, this Head of Household Competition is different due to the Split House.

Here’s a quick refresher: For the first time, there are going to be two parts of the game going on at the same time, completely separate from each other. They cannot communicate, and each will presumably have their own games being played. Based on what we’re seeing and hearing right now, this means that each side will have their own HoH and Veto! This is a pretty ambitious idea for a twist, and it could potentially screw over some people — especially since the Leftovers is on the verge of cracking in the first place.

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Let’s just say that for now, almost anything could happen strategically with this twist. So much of it will depend on where the numbers lie, especially since Kyle would probably choose Alyssa over some various people within his own alliance. Alyssa, Jasmine, and Terrance are on paper the three in the most danger.


We actually got to see some of this play out live which, of course, makes us excited. This was one with a multiple-choice element, and also rewards heavily those who have a great attention to detail. The winner gets to be inside at Big Bro-chella, whereas the runner-up will be HoH at the Dyre Fest.

The results of this could actually be pretty darn disastrous to the Leftovers, given that Terrance has the power in one part of the house whereas in the other, you’ve got Michael. It’s pretty easy to envision a scenario where Michael goes ahead and gets rid of someone like Joseph, who he views as a big threat in the game.

Who did you want to see win Head of Household in Big Brother 24?

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