Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Veto Ceremony results + CHAOS

Matt Turner Big Brother

Today, Big Brother 24 had a chance to treat us to one of the most dramatic Veto Ceremonies in quite some time — at least provided that things went according to plan.

Over the weekend, a rather diabolical plan was formed for Turner to nominate Ameerah & Terrance, even before Michael & Brittany won the Veto. The moment that happened, everything was solidified and shortly after that, The Leftovers was born. This is an alliance with Turner, Michael, Brittany, Monte, Taylor, Kyle, and Joseph — it’s also one that has been airing out a lot of dirty laundry from earlier in the season, from the Girls Girls alliance to Po’s Pack. There’s a chance that they could be the real deal and last for a good while.

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Of course, even with all the hype, Turner still had to go through with the plan today — he and his allies did such a good job over the past 48 hours not spilling the beans to anyone, plus giving Ameerah a false sense of security that Taylor was going up. That made the Ceremony today all the more chaotic. After all, Ameerah & Terrance are officially on the block!

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Everyone was emotional immediately. Apparently, Turner said something about how Taylor was being treated to the group and that he didn’t feel comfortable nominating her. From that, a lot of people got immediately defensive about it (no surprise there). Terrance also decided that he wanted to go over Ameerah, throwing himself on the sword for some silly reason.

For the record, Brittany & Michael apparently gave an Academy Award winning performance after the ceremony, making sure that they looked surprise. Nicole claimed that she “had a feeling” a little bit earlier this morning that this was going to happen. (Daniel was actually tipped off, at least that Taylor was safe, before the ceremony by Turner — that was a way to make it look like the two were “plotting” in advance.)

What did you think about the Veto Ceremony results in Big Brother 24?

Be sure to let us know right now in the comments! Once you do just that, come back for other updates throughout the season. (Photo: CBS.)

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