Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Veto Ceremony preview (day 20)

Michael Bruner Big Brother

This afternoon the Veto Ceremony will most likely occur within the Big Brother 24 house and per all current signs, things are going to get delightfully messy.

What can you expect to see? Michael & Brittany have the necklace, so they are going to remove themselves from the block. Meanwhile, in their place will go Ameerah & Terrance with Ameerah as the target. It’s going to be super-fun when that happens but hey, even the path to that is really entertaining! For some more evidence of that, allow us to share with you some of the highlights from overnight.

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You see, Joseph has unlocked a really-fun part of his personality, ironically one that correlates directly to him turning 25. Last night, he played Ameerah like a fiddle making her think 100% that Taylor is going home while also trying to paint a target on Daniel as a possible traitor. Meanwhile, he also got her to talk more about some of her future targets — she trusts him to the point of hilarity. (While all of this happened, Daniel and Nicole talked as though they have a lot of this game figured out — he wants to take out Indy soon, not realizing that the real person he wants out isn’t going anywhere this week.)

While there are some fears that Ameerah is getting a little bit paranoid, that may just be projecting. The reality is that it feels like a blindside is incoming.

Elsewhere, Michael and Brittany are thinking about naming their alliance — The Chenbots came out as a suggestion, which is super-fun and the sort of thing only big fans of the show would be aware of. Also, over the years Julie has warned up to the nickname and realizes that it’s more of a badge of honor.

Related Be sure to get more DAILY Big Brother live feed updates throughout the rest of the season

What do you think is going to happen at the Veto Ceremony later today in Big Brother 24?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, come back for other updates that you do not want to miss. (Photo: CBS.)

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